社区生活 & 敬拜(CLW)


The 社区生活 and Worship program provides student-focused events which integrate faith, 学生的学习和社区, 教职员工.  活动将包括周二早上的教堂(社区敬拜)和其他指定的课外活动(社区生活),向整个校园社区开放.

  • 福音宣讲:通过神的话语和真理的启示,通过圣灵的力量,引导学生在悔改和信心中与耶稣基督建立改变生命的关系
  • Worship: Invites students into an environment of worship and praise that glorifies God and His Work
  • Fostering community and diversity: Promotes biblical community and diversity. Fostering fellowship and unity across campus among students from all backgrounds.
  • Biblical Worldview: Addresses and engages global issues through the lens of a Biblical & 基督教的世界观
  • Culturally Impacting: Impacting the culture around us with the truth of the Gospel
  • Tradition and Heritage: Educating students on our Baptist Heritage. 探索全球赌博十大网站作为基督教高等学府的丰富传统和价值观.
  • 批判性思维:从圣经和基督教的世界观对信仰和实践问题进行批判性思考
  • 世界影响力和使命:培养影响世界的心态,促进神的国度
  • 部: Encourages students to pursue ministry as a vocational calling in all areas of focus.
  • Academic: Engages students with the academic traditions, alumni relations and/or history of Carson-Newman University.

Students will have a CLW class added to their schedule without a day/time. The class will only appear on the student’s schedule and degree evaluation. 如果学生符合CLW要求,课程将在学期结束时反映及格/不及格成绩. The course does not go on their official transcript, and it does not affect their GPA. Attendance at CLW events will be monitored through the 校园部门 Office. 要获得CLW积分,学生必须在参加的每个活动时携带有效的C-N身份证.

活动结束时将扫描身份证. A student must remain for the duration of the event, which will vary according to the event.  学生有责任检查自己在C-N Connect上的出勤情况,并在活动后七(7)天内凭C-N ID亲自向校园事工办公室报告任何出入. 7天后,将无法获得积分.

The following students do not have to complete the CLW requirements:

  1. 已修满120学分的学生.
  2. A student who has previously received a bachelors or graduate degree.
  3. A student who is twenty-five years of age by the last day of the semester.
  4. 已婚的学生.
  5. 为人父母的学生.

In order to receive that exemption for one of these reasons, a student should contact the office of 校园部门 to complete the necessary paperwork. 仅在线学生和研究生不需要参加CLW学分,但鼓励在线观看教堂服务.    


转学生作为全日制学生注册时,每学期都需要参加之前列出的CLW, 除了学生毕业的那个学期

If the student has attended 10 CLWs for each semester of full-time enrollment, 根据批准的学位计划,学生毕业的最后一个学期不需要参加CLW.  例如, 完成四年制学位的学生将被要求在8个学期中的7个学期中每学期获得10个CLW学分.  学生在毕业前必须修满不超过70学分的CLW学分.  We are a Christian University and CLW credits are part of the graduation requirements.

每月的日历可以在网上找到. Students should check regularly for updates to the schedule, which is subject to change periodically.

The 社区生活及敬拜计划 provides student-focused events which integrate faith, 以福音为中心的事工, 全球使命, 教育, 和学生社区, 教师, 和工作人员. 这些活动将包括周二和周四上午在绅士礼堂(社区崇拜)和其他指定的课外活动(社区生活),向整个校园社区开放.

所有全日制本科生每学期必须参加十(10)个社区生活和敬拜(CLW)活动, 至少五(5)在教堂礼拜(星期二上午9:30或选择星期四上午9:30)和五(5)在社区生活活动,总共70个活动. 教堂积分只能通过参加周二或周四上午9:30的教堂服务来获得. Participation in the CLW program is required for graduation from Carson-Newman.

A student may bank CLW credits by attending more than 10 events in a semester. 然而,教堂学分不能每学期存入银行. 一旦学生每学期参加5次要求的教堂服务,每个额外的活动将只算作CLW学分. CLW event credits will not count as 教堂 credit, even banked CLW event credits. 教堂 credits after 5 will only be counted as CLW credits.  Students must attend at least 5 chapel services each semester, 不包括他们毕业前的最后一个学期或完成毕业的总CLW要求.

CLW events can be viewed on the university calendar labeled CLW or on the campus ministries page.  A monthly calendar is also available online at the university site (click on 事件s, CLW, 和单独的CLW事件列表以获取更多详细信息). Students should check regularly for updates to the schedule, which is subject to change periodically.

If the student has attended 10 CLWs for each semester of full-time enrollment, 根据批准的学位计划,学生毕业的最后一个学期不需要参加CLW.  例如, 完成四年制学位的学生将被要求在8个学期中的7个学期中每学期获得10个CLW学分.  学生在毕业前必须修满不超过70学分的CLW学分.  We are a Christian University and CLW credits are part of the graduation requirements.


如果学生每学期未能参加10个clw或未达到要求的活动数量,则获得5个教堂学分, the student is placed on a CLW warning at the end of the semester of their deficiency. A notice of deficiency will be sent to the student from the office of 校园部门.  以便从CLW警告中删除, a student must make up the shortage of CLWs or chapel credits plus the current semester’s requirement.

如果在下学期入学, the student fails to attend 10 CLWs plus the shortage of CLWs from the first semester, the student is placed on CLW probation for one semester. 在试用期开始的时候, 学生将需要与校园事工的代表和他们的学术顾问会面,以建立一份合同协议,概述如何通过参加正确数量的CLW活动来取消试用期.  如果见习学生在其见习学期结束前未能达到其见习要求, 这个学生可能会被学校停学.


  • The student failed to meet requirements for continued probation, or
  • 学生有3个或以上CLW不及格的学期.
  • 第一次被留校察看者, that student will be suspended from the University for one semester.
  • 第二次被留校察看者, that student will be suspended from the University for two semesters. The notation of the suspension will be made on the student’s academic transcript.
  • A student who is suspended a third time is subject to dismissal from the University (see below).

学生在试用期后,如未能达到规定的CLW学分及最低教会数目(如上所示),将被停学. The notation of the suspension will be made on the student’s academic transcript.

Readmission to the University after CLW Suspension is not guaranteed.


  • 通过完成重新入学申请,通过招生办公室申请重新入学,
  • Write a letter of appeal to the Suspension Review Committee, 是写给教会关系副主席的.
  • 填写并提交CLW暂停上诉申请,并附上医生或医疗保健提供者的文件副本(如有疾病或医疗状况), from a parent/guardian (in the event of a death-in-the-family or other family emergency), or other appropriate documentation in support of the appeal request.

Any student readmitted after CLW Suspension will be placed automatically on CLW Probation.



所有事件 -请准时到达,并知道迟到可能导致学生不被允许参加活动. Common courtesy and respect for others should be observed. 睡觉和学习是不可接受的. Use of cell phones, laptops, ear buds, and other electronic devices is prohibited. Drinking and eating during events are also prohibited unless permitted by the sponsoring department, 组织, 或组. Appropriate dress is determined by the nature of an event and should be taken into consideration. 如果有关于着装的问题, the student should contact the sponsoring 组织 in advance. Failure to comply with these instructions may result in the denial of CLW credit for the event.

在正式的独奏会/音乐会期间 – The audience generally applauds after a set or a group of pieces (not after each selection). 最好的建议是等到有经验的音乐会观众开始鼓掌,然后加入他们.

社区敬拜(星期二礼拜堂) – 绅士 Auditorium sanctuary doors will be locked at 9:35 a.m. for Tuesday morning chapel services to avoid disruption of worship. 不允许食物和饮料进入避难所. Inappropriate conduct and/or dress may result in denial of CLW credit for the service.

观看以前的教堂礼拜 在这里


教堂1月. 119:30 AM绅士Dr. 查尔斯一. 福勒
第一个星期五工作坊1月. 1212-1 PM学生成功217
牛奶日庆祝活动1月. 151-2 PM小餐厅
教堂1月. 169:30 AM绅士
教堂1月. 189:30 AM绅士
教堂1月. 239:30 AM绅士
教堂1月. 259:30 AM绅士
应届毕业生座谈会1月. 255-7 PM泰德·拉塞尔150
教堂1月. 309:30 AM绅士
教堂2月. 19:30 AM绅士
教堂2月. 69:30 AM绅士
教堂2月. 89:30 AM绅士
教堂2月. 139:30 AM绅士
教堂2月. 159:30 AM绅士
教堂2月. 209:30 AM绅士Dr. 杰夫Lovingood
建立关系网是你最好的自己2月. 2112-12:50 PM学生成功217
教堂2月. 229:30 AM绅士安娜大厅
联合敬拜夜2月. 268 PM绅士
教堂2月. 279:30 AM绅士画Eudy
传教及委任礼拜堂2月. 299:30 AM绅士安迪·埃勒斯医生
公民权利 & 教会2月. 295 PM小餐厅
教堂3月12日9:30 AM绅士贝斯摩尔
教堂3月14日9:30 AM绅士克里斯•菲利普斯
教堂3月19日9:30 AM绅士罗伯·威尔顿
教堂3月21日9:30 AM绅士Dr. 杰米露水
远方的野蓝3月25日4 PM托马斯演奏厅
校友职业圆桌会议3月25日6 PM小餐厅
教堂3月26日9:30 AM绅士查克无法无天
教堂3月28日9:30 AM绅士托尼•布坎南
教堂4月2日9:30 AM绅士丰富的劳埃德
教堂4月4日9:30 AM绅士艾伦Brumback
教堂4月9日9:30 AM绅士梅森棉絮
部 & 任务分配仪式4月11日10 AM绅士
教堂4月16日9:30 AM绅士Dr. 粘土标志
荣誉召开4月18日9:30 AMMSAC 3-Gym
学士学位4月23日9:30 AM绅士